How to Find Out If Your is AC Working Efficiently?

An air conditioning unit, often abbreviated as AC helps to cool your home by extracting heat from indoor air. An AC unit that is operating efficiently can save you a lot of frustration when the weather gets hotter during summer. A regular inspection of your AC unit can help you identify problems earlier before they get out of hand. This article discusses the most important areas of an AC that you should inspect to determine whether the unit is working efficiently.

  • Watch out for Temperature Fluctuations

An air conditioner that is functioning properly should cool the interior of the house evenly. If not, you may encounter hot and cold spots, which are more noticeable in summer. One possible cause of temperature fluctuations is blockages in the airflow. Make sure all vents are open and allow free distribution of air throughout the home. Cleaning or changing your air filters, at least once a month can help with this problem.

a happy woman adjusting ac temp
  • Monitor Your Thermostat

When was the last time you replaced the batteries on your thermostat? Perhaps giving them a fresh boost with new batteries could be the solution to your problem. Always check for a blinking battery light on your thermostat so that you do not run into potential problems in the future. If the symbol or light keeps blinking on and off after you have replaced the batteries, then the best solution would be to replace your thermostat.

  • Inspect the Circuit Breaker

If your AC is not powering on, confirm that you have not tripped a circuit breaker or blown a fuse. Breakers with a high voltage have the ability to shut the unit down. If you find the breaker facing the wrong direction, try flipping it back and your air conditioner should start blowing out cold air once more. The reason why breakers trip is to protect you from currents that can cause fires and damage equipment.

  • Inspect the Fan and Compressor

Go outside and check whether your fan and compressor are operating, as they should. Thoroughly inspect the fan for signs of damage, slowly rotating blades, continuous rotation when AC is off, or no response when the AC is on. There could also be a problem if the fan is on and you hear rattling noises from the condenser unit. A swollen capacitor could affect the lifespan of your compressor so make sure everything is still intact.

  • Analyze Your Blower

A blower motor pushes conditioned air through vents and it is likely to be worn out the more your HVAC system ages. Weak airflow could signal that your blower motor is struggling to push air through the vents. This can be caused by several factors such as dirt and dust buildup, clogged filter, dirty ducts, excessive moisture, or an aging motor.

  • Study Your Drain Line

After inspecting the blower, the next thing to do is to check for signs of leaking. If you see liquid near the coil or you find it covered in ice, there are high chances that the drain line is leaking refrigerant. It is never a good idea to handle refrigerants on your own, especially if you have no background knowledge of the AC system. If you notice anything strange, we recommend calling a professional to take it from there.

  • Listen for Strange Sounds

It is crucial to understand the meaning of different types of sounds originating from the AC. In most cases, a noisy AC unit is often considered a sign of a malfunction. For instance, banging sounds could signal a loose component and loose parts can cause extensive damage to your system. Squealing signifies a lack of lubrication or friction. If something is lodged inside your AC you will hear clicking noises and any rattling sounds mean the unit is aging.

  • Is the AC Unit Too Old?

Older units have a difficult time keeping up when the weather outside is hot. If you have checked for everything else and you still cannot figure out why your AC keeps failing then there are high chances it is running on its last grip and would require a replacement. If your AC cannot operate at its maximum efficiency, then upgrading the unit could be the solution to all your problems.

It is crucial to observe routine maintenance of your AC unit as it guarantees optimal performance and longevity. It is better to replace than to repair an AC unit that is nearing the end of its lifespan. One of the major reasons behind this is that modern equipment comes with upgraded technology that lasts longer than older models. Seeking professional help whenever you are in doubt not only saves you money but also guarantees quality work.