Your HVAC, which is short for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is a key element to maintaining a comfortable environment within your workplace, while also ensuring air quality is at optimal levels, preventing illnesses from spreading. Did you know that blocked air filters are the chief cause of cooling and heating system problems; together with the health of your workplace.
Although most businesses don’t have changing the air filters on the HVAC as a lead priority for the running of daily business activities, it is something that simply should not be swept to the side. A healthy HVAC system will have many benefits within your business, and one of those is productivity. For many business owners, changing an air filters are an easily forgettable task, however leaving them too long without servicing can influence your business.
The function of air filters is of course to filter the air that is circulated, heated and cooled within a building. The filter element of your HVAC system accumulates many allergens, pollens, dust and mold spores in a very short amount of time and failing to remove these nasty things from your filters is not a great idea.
Here are 5 major problems a dirty HVAC might cause in the workplace.
Increased Energy Consumption
Dust in your workplace HVAC air filter will restrict air flow, forcing your furnace to work much harder using more energy to heat and cool. As the system relies on constant recirculation of air, the system’s blower can have a big impact on energy consumption.
Frozen Evaporator Coils
During summer, the system’s evaporator (or cooling coil) can freeze up if there is not enough airflow going past the coil. Condensation gathers on the coil, and when there is not enough airflow, it turns into ice, which then reduces the system’s ability to remove heat from your air. Once the coil freezes over, the system will shut down completely.
Inadequate Heating or Cooling
If the filter becomes clogged or too thick with dust or other allergens, the blower fan must work much harder to push air through the filter. Reduced airflow creates hot and cold spots throughout the spaces in your business, and the system won’t be able to accurately heat or cool to the desired temperatures. Your HVAC system will run for longer periods of time with not enough air flowing through because of the dirty air filter, making your energy bills much higher.
Decreased Indoor Air Quality
If your air filter is not filtering because it is too blocked, your air will not be clean. If the filter is clogged it can’t filter the dirt and debris like it should, meaning they stay in the air, and continue to be breathed in and out of your building’s occupant’s lungs. It creates a dangerous situation for asthma sufferers and can spread germs much easier.
Furnace Failure
A clogged air filter can cause your furnace to overheat and fail, meaning it will shut off before the desired temperature is reached. Clogged air filters can also cause the electronic limit switch to fail, and your furnace won’t work at all.